September 16, 2007

Week One results

Well after my first week on Weight Watchers (again, some more...I really wonder how much money I've spent on Weight Watchers in the last five years, and yet I am still 245 pounds. Sheesh.), I am down 7 pounds. Technically only 4, because I gained three in the week before joining. Think I was binging in preparation of dieting (again, some more).

I'm worried, because every time I've joined WW I've ended up having a great week to start out with, probably due my body being in shock at actually eating healthfully. Then the next week I gain, and get discouraged. I'm going to say that if I gain two pounds, I won't kill myself, but any more than that and I'll be one unhappy camper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a way to stop gaining, Thirtini, whether or not you've just been on a diet. I hope you will visit my blog to find out how. Best regards, Mary