August 20, 2007

Check Me Out, I suck!

What? I've been busy!

And I haven't really dedicated much time to the old bikini-by-thirty goal in recent weeks (good thing my goal is two years off, yes?). I've been disappointing myself. But if there's one thing I've learned in my lifelong struggle with this shit, it only really comes to you when you're really ready.

I'm trying to make good choices, I've been eating a lot of organic, for example. And trying to up my "whole grains and fruits and veggies" intake as well. Less junk, more good shit, right?

Unfortunately, while I have been doing that, I've also been doing a whole lot of drinking and consuming of sugar, and not nearly enough working out. Ugh.

And tonight I ate 7 quaker granola bars. Can that kill a person? My capacity for food baffles me. I definitely must have that fat person thing, that thing that doesn't tell you when you're full. I could easily consume an entire large pizza, and then finish it off with a pint of Ben and Jerry's. I might feel sick afterwards for like, an hour, but once that hour was up I'd be ready to go again.

And I know the wisdom goes that the reason I could be hungry again so soon is that I wasn't eating anything of substance, but I could proabably also consume a ton of healthy shit too, stuff that's supposed to make a person feel full and satisfied for hours on end. Please!

I think it must just bc I've been overeating my whole life and have a bigger stomach. That's half the point of stomach stapling, isn't it?

Anyway, I plan to hit the gym in the a.m., I'm even going to bed very soon to make sure that happens. All I can do is try, at this point. I really hate going to WW, but that's obviously the best thing for me, so I'm going to force myself to go back this week as well.

I will continue tracking my results here, no matter how ugly they are (as tonight's result clearly indicates!)