July 25, 2007

Ew, I Sound So Pathetic!

I just re-read my previous post....and if I were a casual observer, I'd say my problem is my defeatist attitude and self pity. Heh.

My first instinct is to edit it, or write a disclaimer saying "I'm not usually like this! I swear normally I'm chipper, and while I know the admission that I snarfed a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's before writing it is very "oh no wonder you're fat, fattie!"...I don't usually do that either. I actually eat healthier than most people I know! I swear! I SWEAR!"

But now I'm thinking...fuck that. Because why shouldn't I have a pity party sometimes? And WHO am I apologizing to if I break down after a bad day and overeat? I mean, I know it's bad, but why should I apologize or feel bad about it? Just move on, that's what Weight Watchers says. My leader my first time around in WW (who I miss despearately, becuase she was the only leader I've had who didn't make me want to gag or roll my eyes out of my head) used to say "If you go off program, of if you have a binge, it doens't matter how much you ate. It doesn't matter if you binge for a week straight. Or a month straight! All you have to do is lick your fingers, say 'Damn that was delicious,' and just move on and keep going."

I loved that. I never forgot it. And really...that ice cream was good. Heh.

So anyway....

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